I became a Model After Losing 40 Pounds in 6 Weeks

1 min readMar 3, 2021


weight loss story and meticore review

When Ingrid was pregnant with her third child, she went through some difficult personal issues, turned to food to soothe herself, and watched as the number on the scale went up…and up and up. In all, she gained 100 pounds. “I basically self-medicated with food,” she says.

After giving birth, she vowed to find a sustainable way to lose pounds. For her, that means taking weight loss supplements daily and not depriving herself of any one food group, and eating until she felt satisfied.

In 2 months, she dropped 40 pounds, and her energy levels and stamina skyrocketed. By the 8-month mark, she’d lost all 100 pounds. “Make vision boards of where you want to be and what you want to look at,” she advises. (Hers contained goal-oriented images: a healthy family, outfits she eventually planned to wear, and beach vacations.) “Looking at these boards on a daily basis trains your mind to see you as that fit, healthy person,” she adds.

Here are the weight loss supplements that Ingrid took: Meticore Supplements

